Is it possible and worth updating the Android version? How to update Android - flash your smartphone to the latest version Operating system android 6.0 1

This year the company has already shown version 6 of its Android mobile operating system. It was called Marshmallow. This is exactly what M stands for, about which fans have been speculating and making bets all summer. Despite the fact that this is not 5.2, but the whole 6.0, there are much fewer new features and noticeable updates than there were in 5. But this is not surprising, because 5 set a new direction, and 6 simply strengthens its position. So, what's new in "Zefirinka"?

Google Now on Tap

This is probably the main feature that the creators boasted about and the fans were waiting for. It analyzes the contents of your screen at a particular moment and offers interesting features. If you're browsing the latest movies in the app, Now on Tap will show you a list of upcoming shows. By listening to music, you can get comprehensive information about the artist, and by communicating in the messenger about a specific restaurant, you can book a table there or call. Thus, Google knows even more about you, but uses it only to your advantage.

Support for new standards and technologies

Here it is worth mentioning two innovations at once. Fingerprint sensors, which were brought to the market by Apple and USB Type-C, which everyone has been talking about for a long time. Many companies, including Samsung, have already installed fingerprint sensors in their devices, but they used their own developments, but now this function is native, that is, any manufacturer can add a sensor to their smartphone and not create special software for this. USB Type-C is a new standard that will finally rid everyone of the inverted cable problem. Now the cord can be inserted in any direction without wasting precious time. It will take at least a year before this technology comes into widespread use, but Google's attention already speaks volumes.

Setting application permissions

Surely, many users, when installing new applications, wondered why a particular program needed so much access to personal data or individual smartphone functions. If access to the camera for an application for creating photos can be explained, then the permission to view SMS for the next game looks quite strange. Now any user can control what functions each application installed on their mobile device will have access to.

Doze – another step towards effective energy saving

The new power saving mode uses your battery smarter. The smartphone understands when you are not using it and disables all background processes as much as possible. Due to their inactivity, the charge is mainly saved.

Chrome Built-in

This innovation will appeal to both developers and fans of the Chrome browser. Thus, creators of applications that require opening web pages will no longer have to embed or create third-party solutions. Google's browser will play this role. In addition, it will integrate well, and the user will not even notice when the web page is actually open, and when the content of the application itself is on the screen.

New features for working with a memory card

Google, like Apple, actively fought with memory cards, but at some point they stopped and reached the point where now on any device running Android 6 Marshmallow you can use a memory card as a system volume. This is a useful feature for those who do not have devices with a large amount of built-in memory.

Android Pay, improved text tools, themes and more

Along with Android 6, the Android Pay payment system is launched, which, unfortunately, is not yet available to us. For those who often copy, cut and paste text, the developers have simplified this process a little by adding a context menu with commands right above the selected text. Also in the settings, users can choose a dark or light theme for the OS. Smartphones running Marshmallow can now act as chargers for other devices. Now, finally, users can take system backups without the help of third-party applications.

It's safe to say that Marshmallow is a high-quality update for the Android operating system that simply improves the user experience, but does not introduce radically new features. And rightly so, considering that the global update took place only a year ago.

Now it has become even easier to update and install the operating system of your smartphone or tablet to the latest version. Now, to install new firmware, just download Android 6.0 from our website, follow the instructions from the downloaded archive, download and install the application on your smartphone or tablet with the Android operating system.

Updating the Android operating system is not only recommended, but also a necessary process for stable operation of the smartphone. For the phone owner, this is primarily an increase in the performance of the device, the emergence of new features, and not just the correction of errors by the manufacturer. Therefore, every user should know how to update Android on their phone.

The process of changing the current version of Android on a device requires the user to pay attention and fulfill several conditions.

Before you proceed to change the operating system, you need to make sure of the following:

  • that the phone is charged (the recommended battery level should be at least 50%);
  • that the Wi-Fi network is reliable and stable (only important if you are not using a computer when downloading the software);
  • that the USB cable connecting the phone to the computer is working properly.

During the update to 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0 or earlier versions of Android, it is prohibited to remove the battery or turn off the smartphone.

Interrupting the update process for one of these reasons can lead to irreparable consequences (this cannot be done without the help of service center specialists).

There are two main ways to change Android yourself:

  1. Launch the update on the smartphone itself.
  2. Changing software modification using a computer.

How to install a new Android without connecting to a computer

The easiest option to change the OS version is to start the process on the smartphone itself.

Usually the system notifies you about the availability of a new version (a notification appears at the top of the gadget screen):

Note: update algorithm to new versionAndroid always the same: it doesn’t matter if the operating system is updated to 5.0, 7.0 or 9.0.

Depending on the phone model and the current firmware modification, the text and design of the notification on the screen may differ.

After receiving the notification, you should click “download” and wait until the software is downloaded to the device.

When Android is downloaded, a message will appear in the notification bar and the user will be asked to install or postpone the process.

Important: before clicking “install now”, it is recommended that you read the information provided above, where the developers warn about the possible loss of personal data and the need to make a backup.

The system does not always notify the user about the availability of a new version of Android. The reason may be a lack of Internet connection or refusal to receive notifications (can be set in the “Software Update” section).

In this case, you can download the new Android manually. To do this you need to follow these steps:

How to update Android OS using a computer

You can change the Android operating system using an application from the manufacturer.

The main purpose of such programs is to create a backup copy of data, transfer photos and videos to a computer and vice versa.

Among such applications we can highlight Samsung kies or Smart switch for Samsung smartphones and Xperia Companion for Sony phones.

Before you change Android 4.4.2, you need to activate a special setting intended for developers - “USB Debugging”. In later versions of the OS, this setting is hidden, and to activate it, you need to do the following:

How to download a new Android using Xperia Companion

To download the firmware to your smartphone using the Xperia Companion program, you must:

Attention: it is impossible to return to the previous version of the OS, about which the user will receive a notification before installation.

How to update using Smart Switch

To install the new Android on Samsung tablets and smartphones, use the Smart Switch and Samsung Kies applications.

To update to 7.0, 8.0 or 9.0 using Smart Switch, you need:

Note: if the notification about the opportunity to download a new version does not appear on the screenAndroid– this means that the latest updates are installed on the device.

How to update Android using Samsung Kies

To update, for example, Android 4.2.2 using Samsung Kies, you need to do the following:

The new firmware may not meet the user's expectations (the appearance of the menu changes, new applications appear and old applications are removed, etc.). Therefore, it is important to read during installation what changes will occur and whether it is worth upgrading.

The 5.0 Lollipop update brings many new and exciting features. Android OS has received a unified design and a new development vector. The next update, 6.0 Marshmallow, is considered a pass because it does not contain such large-scale changes. At the same time, the new version of the system includes some important additions that were missing in previous versions. To review the system, let's take the Motorola Moto MAXX 2 (XT1565) smartphone as an example.


In Android 6.0, the Material Design concept has been preserved in full. Therefore, the changes in the interface are only cosmetic.


The Google Now personalized search service is called up on the desktop from the far left screen. However, this innovation is only visible in the Google launcher installed on Nexus/Pixel C devices or downloaded separately from the Google Play application store.

Application menu

The layout of the programs is made in the form of a grid, with scrolling from top to bottom, and not from left to right, as in Android Lollipop. At the top is the search, and the first row is reserved for 4 frequently used applications. Next come programs with the Russian alphabet, and then with English. The order cannot be changed.

It is worth noting that the above changes apply only to the Google launcher. In third-party shells and in different devices, such as Moto MAXX 2, swiping remains the same, and there is no search in the application menu.

Lock screen

Visually, the lock screen remains the same. You can specify text or personal information under the watch, such as the owner's contact information. The text is set in the security section of the device’s system settings.

The quick launch icon for calls in the bottom left corner has been replaced with personalized prompts. Apparently Google considered this function more important than quick access to dialing a phone number.


The notification system has received some improvements. Now in the rectangular area - cards, below the message text, buttons are displayed that allow you to perform basic actions without going to the application or the corresponding settings section. For example: install or postpone system updates, activate energy saving mode, etc.

Holding your finger on the card for a long time allows you to open an item to manage application notifications. Among the proposed options are: completely blocking the display of notifications, with priority showing notifications in “do not disturb” mode, and allowing the display of notifications.

Three modes for displaying notifications on the lock screen are also available: show in full, hide personal information and disable display.


Application permissions

When installing a program from Google Play or unknown sources, a sign appears with a list of required rights (permissions) for the application to function. It is not known which rights are actually used and which are intended for the selfish purposes of the developer. And the user has only two choices: agree and give the application full access or refuse to use the program.

In Android 6.0, the permissions requested during installation are disabled by default. Now you need to confirm the rights necessary to launch the application and basic functionality. Other permissions are confirmed or rejected during operation. Moreover, previously granted rights are disabled in the settings section of a specific application.

Adjusting the volume of notifications

In previous versions of Android, the volume buttons only changed the level of incoming notifications. The volume of other sound signals had to be set separately in the settings section or directly in the application.

In the sixth version, volume control is divided into three channels: incoming notifications, multimedia and alarm. Moreover, the volume change is automatic and applies only to the application of the corresponding channel. For example, in the player, changes only affect the volume of music or video, in the alarm clock, notifications, and on the desktop or in settings, the call volume.

To set your preferred volume, you don't have to go to settings or the corresponding application. When you press the volume button, at the end of the slider there is a button with open/hide channels.

Do Not Disturb Mode

In Android Marshmallow, the list of Do Not Disturb options has expanded. The duration of the mode is set from the “quick settings” panel. There is also a transition to the system settings, where rules are set and automatic mode switching is configured at a specified time. For example, turn off notifications before bed - from 22:00 to 7:00, at a scheduled meeting from 11:00 to 11:45, etc.

Work with text

In Android 6.0, the text selection mode has changed. When you move the border to the right, the whole word is highlighted. Whereas to the left - character by character. Also, after selecting text, a context menu automatically appears with a choice of actions: copy text, cut, send, etc.

It is worth noting that the “send” function in Android Marshmallow is called Direct Share. This is a useful and functional way to share information with another user. At the same time, the developer of a specific application is responsible for the implementation of this function.

System Tuner UI

Hidden settings menu that allows you to customize the icons in the Quick Access Toolbar. To display the item, you need to hold down the gear icon in the expanded status bar for a few seconds. A similar operation will remove the item from the system settings menu.

Transferring application data to a memory card

Android 6.0 Marshmallow brings back the app data transfer feature. If, when installing a program or game, there is not enough space on the internal drive, the system allows you to transfer the data to an external drive. In this case, the content is stored in encrypted form and preliminary formatting of the memory card is required.

Backing up application settings

Now application settings are saved to the cloud. This allows you to spend less time setting up a new device.


The system settings section remains the same. Only new functions have appeared, hidden mainly in submenus.


A font size selection item has appeared, where you can set a comfortable value for the text height.


In earlier versions of the OS, the section contained data about installed applications, active ones - using RAM, and disabled ones. Now the section contains detailed information about installed applications: the amount of disk space used, data transferred, permitted rights and notifications. Also about the amount of energy consumed, the amount of RAM used and the maximum consumed amount.

Clicking on the gear icon will open an additional settings section. Here the default applications change, for example, if two players are installed and it is required that files be opened in a specific player. Shows which applications are allowed to influence system settings. Battery saving is configured. By default, all applications have the “save” checkbox.


The section shows the amount of occupied and free space. For a detailed overview of the available information, just select the category of interest - video, applications, etc. The volume of application cache is also shown, which is deleted by touching a category.

There is also a built-in file explorer. The manager's capabilities are limited, but for primitive actions it will do.


The “battery consumption” information shows the estimated energy consumption: by the screen, Wi-Fi or other application. Recommendations for extending battery life are also shown. For example, for the screen, set the brightness to a lower level, and for Wi-Fi, turn off the module in sleep mode. Moreover, for convenience, buttons are displayed to go to the corresponding item in the settings.


Android 6.0 supports a system-level fingerprint scanner. It is also possible to disable unlocking the device using a reliable device - a smart watch or key fob, or in a safe place - at home, at work, etc.

There is protection in the event of a sudden reset to factory settings. If an outsider takes possession of the device and wipes the data, you will have to enter the data from your previous Google account to start the system. Information about this is stored in a protected data area, which is difficult to access even if the bootloader is unlocked.

In the second half of August 2015, Google initiated an event that went unnoticed by most media, but became very significant for the mobile industry. A new version of Android was named and presented to the world. Meet Android 6.0 Marshmallow or in our opinion - Marshmallow ;)

Main innovations of Android 6.0

Here we will touch basic changes happened in the system, there are not many of them, and the purpose of this site is not to describe the full functionality, but to help you update your tablet or smartphone to Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware.
In principle, there are only two of these new features (may Google developers forgive me ;))
1. The long-awaited ability to select permissions for the installed application. Who doesn’t know, this is such a long list that is displayed when you want to buy a toy for yourself and which you don’t read. But in vain. The toy may ask you to give it the opportunity to send SMS to paid numbers, and then your balance, and in the worst case, your bank account, can lose a lot of weight. Well, before, before installation, reading this list of requested permissions, we had to simply refuse the installation if we doubted something. It was unpleasant because... the program could be very necessary. Now Marshmallow gives us a unique opportunity to choose from the presented list what the installed program can do! Cool!
And this eternal question: -Why couldn’t this be done right away?! 2. The second significant innovation is again the long-awaited multi-window interface. Well, like Windows, to which we have become accustomed for a hundred years, aaaand.... the same question again;) What didn’t they do before? ;)
All the other “tricks and goodies” remained, as they say, under the hood and the user will not see them with his own eyes, but they will greatly help him, speeding up the operation of the gadget, extending its battery life, etc.
Once again, we emphasize that this is only a brief overview. Anyone interested in a full description of the innovations of the sixth android can look at a good article on Habré.

Latest 20 added Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware

According to BlackBerry, the company has fixed about 16 vulnerabilities in the Priv smartphone. Here are some of them:

  • Remote execution of malicious code through a vulnerability in MediaServer (CVE-2015-6616).
  • Remote execution of malicious code through a vulnerability in Skia (CVE-2015-6617).
  • Remote execution of malicious code via a vulnerability in Bluetooth (CVE-2015-6618).
  • libstagefright high privilege vulnerability (CVE-2015-6621).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in the Native Frameworks Library (CVE-2015-6622).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in libstagefright (CVE-2015-6626, CVE-2015-6631, CVE-2015-6632).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in Audio (CVE-2015-6627).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in the Media Framework (CVE-2015-6628).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in Wi-Fi (CVE-2015-6629).
  • Possibility of information leakage through a vulnerability in SystemUI (CVE-2015-6630).
Most of these vulnerabilities affected both Nexus devices and flagship Samsung Galaxy devices, which received a similar security update.

Images, updates and firmware

Google has already published firmware images with the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow for the following devices (direct links to download firmware):
  • Nexus 9 LTE ​​(volantisg) / Wi-Fi (volantis)
  • Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi (razor) / LTE (razorg)
  • Google Pixel C (ryu) - MXB48J/MXB48K
OTA update files for Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow for Nexus devices: