Where to turn on GPS on Android. How to set up GPS on Android? Global positioning system in smartphones and tablets

Pocket geolocation is quite common and has become commonplace lately. Now all models of modern phones have a GPS system. But users often have questions about it. For example, they are interested in how to improve GPS reception on Android or iOS in order to receive more accurate location information or more conveniently play games that require detailed geolocation. Let's look at this problem and find out what can be done.

GPS is a system that allows your smartphone to use navigation apps to determine your location to plot the best route to your destination. It is based on receiving data from satellites located in outer space.

Why do I need it?

GPS navigation is used by navigation applications. Together they help get to the right place without detailed study of paper maps of the area and asking others about “Where to go next and where to turn?”

The most famous free "Yandex.Maps" or "Yandex.Navigator", GoogleMaps and MapsMe. You can also find a pirated version of Navitel on the Internet. But the program may be from an old year. In this case, it can lead you onto non-existent roads and under “bricks”. In addition, the program may be infected with a virus. Then there is a chance that it will “break” the system of your smartphone, and you will have to change not only the navigator, but also the phone or at least its firmware.

Now the most common and modern phone models are IPhone based on IOS and phones that support a different system (“Android”). They use GPS in a more advanced form - A-GPS. This is a function that increases the speed of the application during cold and hot starts, due to other communication channels (WI-FI, cellular), and also increases positioning accuracy.

A situation where the phone cannot connect to new satellites when the application is turned on. In this case, it operates autonomously based on the data transmitted during the previous switching on by the satellites to which it was connected. Hot start - when the satellites immediately start working. They appear on the application screen or in a special tab for tracking their operation and data reception.

The first signal improvement option

There are a huge number of ways to improve GPS reception on Android or iOS. Let's look at the 3 most famous ones. The first and easiest way to strengthen the GPS signal is to enable the appropriate mode in the phone settings. To do this, we take the following steps:

  • Turn on GPS (geolocation) and go to the phone settings.
  • Find the "Geodata" section.
  • Select the top button "Mode".
  • A window called "Detection Method" opens.
  • Select the item "High accuracy".

The phone's performance will improve by enabling accuracy. At the same time, its operating time without recharging can decrease several times. The thing is that the turned on navigator will simply “eat up” the battery.

The second way to improve GPS reception on Android

The second option is more complicated. But it helps as often as the first one. You need to download an app to clear your GPS data. Once the satellite information is updated, the navigation system will work better than before. But this option may not be suitable for some phones due to incompatibility of the application and model, lack of space, etc.

The most difficult but reliable method

There is a third, most difficult option for solving the problem, how to improve GPS reception on Android. It is more suitable for computer geniuses. Its essence lies in altering the system file that controls the operation of the phone's GPS system. Let's figure it out in order:

  1. It is necessary to extract the GPS.CONF file, located in the system/etc/gps/conf folder, through special programs that provide access to system files. Then we move it to the phone’s internal memory or SD card so that it can be opened on a computer later.
  2. Changing GPS.CONF settings is done through the Notepad++ program on a regular PC. The phone is connected to the computer via a standard USB cable.
  3. Next, you need to change the settings of the NTP server, which is used to synchronize time. They usually say something like this - north-america.pool.ntp.org. The entry needs to be rewritten - ru.pool.ntp.org or europe.pool.ntp.org. As a result, it should look like this: NTP_SERVER=ru.pool.ntp.org.
  4. It would also be a good idea to add additional servers without making any changes to them: XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin, XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin, XTRA_SERVER_3=http ://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin.
  5. Next, you need to decide whether the GPS receiver will use WI-FI to strengthen the signal. When entering the ENABLE_WIPER= parameter, you must enter a number that will allow (1) or prohibit (0) the use of a wireless connection. For example, ENABLE_WIPER=1.
  6. The next parameter is connection speed and data accuracy. There your choice is as follows: INTERMEDIATE_POS=0<—— (точно, но медленно) или INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 <—— (не точно, но быстро).
  7. In the type of data transfer use, knowledgeable people advise installing User Plane, which is responsible for the wide transfer of subscriber data. Then DEFAULT_USER_PLANE=TRUE is written in the program line.
  8. The accuracy of GPS data is monitored through the INTERMEDIATE_POS= parameter, in the line of which you can set whether to take into account all data without exception, or to remove errors. If you put 0 (zero) after the "=" sign, then the geolocation will take into account everything it finds, and if it is 100, 300, 1000, 5000, it will remove errors. Programmers recommend setting it to 0. But if you want to try, you can use error removal.
  9. The use of the A-GPS function, as mentioned above, is supported or automatically enabled on all modern devices. But if you still want the function to work, then in the A-GPS activation line you need to set DEFAULT_AGPS_ENABLE=TRUE.
  10. The final version of the file needs to be saved and transferred to the phone, and then rebooted.

An important point: if you don’t want to do all this yourself for various reasons, for example, laziness, fear of breaking something in the system, etc., then you can find the GPS.CONF file with the parameters you need and simply copy it to your smartphone. All that remains is to restart the phone and use the improved GPS.

Why doesn't GPS work on Android yet?

There are other reasons for the problem. It happens that GPS on Android does not work at all (does not turn on, does not search for satellites, etc.). Resetting the system to factory settings can help resolve this problem. This is done through the phone settings. In addition, the gadget can be reflashed or given to service center employees, who will “dig” into the electronics and correct the defect.

Ten years ago, car GPS navigators were a curiosity in the domestic market of electronic devices. But today it is difficult to surprise anyone with the presence of built-in global positioning systems in modern smartphones and tablets.

General information about GPS

Most modern smartphones and tablets on the mobile device market today are equipped with a GPS module for determining location. This is a really convenient and advanced option. In addition to plotting a route for a car or bicycle on the ground, the GPS module will be able to determine its own location with high accuracy up to tens of meters. Along with this, the system makes it possible to turn on some programs or activate the reminder function on the phone when you are in a certain point of the globe. on Android?

The main disadvantage of GPS positioning

The main disadvantage of GPS positioning in a smartphone is the rapid drainage of the battery. In this regard, an important point is the correct adjustment of the operating mode. Below we will discuss the basic tools for how to set up GPS on Android, as well as the principles of working in the engineering menu of a smartphone in case of incorrect functioning of the system.

Enabling GPS operating mode

To enable GPS navigation, you can use the notification panel of your smartphone. The enabled positioning system is displayed at the top of the screen in the form of a periodically flickering circle. To change or view how GPS functions, you need to go to the smartphone settings, then to the “Personal Data” section, from there to “Location” and select “Mode”. Typically, the operating system provides three options to choose from, including “By device sensors,” “Battery saver,” and “High accuracy.” If we are talking about phones that use the latest versions of Android, the menu may look slightly different. How to set up GPS on Android 5.1? In this case, the listed items will be named “By all sources”, “By network coordinates” and “By GPS satellites”.

Highest level of GPS accuracy

The most accurate positioning option is the “High accuracy” or “Across all sources” mode. At the same time, with this operating procedure, battery consumption will be the most intense and rapid. In this mode, the system tries to determine the location by all means available to it, namely: GPS, Wi-Fi and using mobile networks. The smartphone will constantly evaluate the space for the presence of a signal and try to determine the location not only in open areas, but also indoors.

This operating procedure is also sometimes called A-GPS. Its distinctive feature compared to the operation of conventional navigators is the ability to obtain additional service information about satellites via an Internet connection. This speeds up the search for satellites and obtaining data on their signals.

Other modes of global positioning operation

The GPS operating mode “Battery saving” or “By network coordinates” is used to receive signals exclusively from wireless networks. In this case, the GPS module is not used. Of course, in this mode the accuracy of position determination is somewhat deteriorated. At the same time, indoor position can be determined using Wi-Fi.

The operating mode “By device sensors” or “By GPS satellites” can only function in open areas in the absence of interference. In this case, the position of the object is determined using satellites. If interference occurs in the form of high-rise buildings or walls and ceilings of premises, the satellite signal will be lost and the position will no longer be determined. It would be appropriate to say that this article is about how to set up GPS on Android without the Internet. But it should be noted that such installations are also possible using the World Wide Web. In this case, the Internet is used to correct the position if the signal from the satellites is not good enough.

The last operating mode is the most economical for the battery. In addition, you can disable determining your own position on the ground in the notification panel. If you need to get a route from point A to point B, you can turn on positioning and follow the prompts of the navigator built into your smartphone. If you need a personalized search for an object, you should give preference to the "Battery Saver" mode. Well, if the phone has a powerful and capacious battery, the user may well choose the most expensive method of operation, “High precision”. The methods described above are suitable for solving the problem of how to set up GPS on Android through the main menu of the device.

Configuration using the smartphone’s engineering menu

However, some smartphone models, especially those made in China based on MTK processors, may experience connection difficulties or unstable communication. There are even cases when the device does not determine the location of an object at all. This is due to incorrect configuration of the GPS module for operation in domestic latitudes.

This software malfunction can be mitigated and GPS can be configured on Android through the engineering menu of the mobile device. It should be emphasized that this functionality can be used on devices on which the Root operating mode is activated, which gives the user the opportunity to manage the smartphone as developers.

Next, you should perform a series of sequential operations. First you need to turn on GPS and Wi-Fi and go outside or to the balcony of the room. After this, you will need to enter the engineering menu by entering the combinations on the phone keyboard: *#*#3646633*#*#, *#15963#* or *#*#4636#*#*. It should be noted that on different smartphone models, the symbol combinations may differ, or even not be suitable at all. Then, to solve the problem of how to set up GPS on Android, you can use the Mobileuncle ToolHero application, in which, after launching, select the desired item and enter the engineering menu.

Here the user will find several bookmarks, from which he must select Location, and then go to Location Based Service. In the EPO line, you must check the Enable EPO and Auto Download boxes. It should be clarified that EPO is a system file that contains information about the coordinates of GPS satellites and their lines of movement. This item is often deactivated on some phones.

Now you need to go back a step and select YGPS, and then go to the Satellites tab, in which the user will find a map of the position of the satellites in orbit. If satellites are displayed in red, this indicates that the mobile device sees them, but cannot receive a signal from them due to incorrect settings.

To fix this problem, you need to go to the Information section, click full, and after a few seconds AGPS restart. After this, you need to return to Satellites and wait until the satellite icons turn green. It is best to carry out this operation in an open area, since on the balcony, due to significant interference in the form of house walls and trees, the signal quality is much worse. The last step is to reboot your device, be it a smartphone or tablet. Thus, the most common ways to set up GPS on Android are discussed.

Navigation in unfamiliar terrain, both in a huge metropolis or a small town, and in a village, in an open field, today is mainly carried out using a smartphone. It is much easier for a person to buy a phone with a built-in GPS module than to deal with maps and ask strangers for directions. Entered the coordinates - here you have a complete route from point A to point B. But not every person can understand modern gadgets, especially if they have not used such devices before.

In this material we will tell you how to set up GPS on Android, what programs can and should be used for navigation, and what to do if GPS stops working correctly!

GPS – help or panacea for the user?

Before moving on to describing the correct settings, it is worth mentioning about this system, namely, its advantages and disadvantages. As you know, the geolocation system allows anyone to know their location, no matter where they are. However, two negative factors can be identified:

  1. If you use the GPS option on your Android frequently, you will see that the battery drains quite quickly.
  2. The GPS system constantly monitors your movements, and all the data, oddly enough, is stored under your Google account. They even have a special service with which you can view where you were at a certain time, what places you visited, what countries you visited, and much more. And who knows what else Google has left when using this module...

Initial setup

So, you purchased a phone with built-in GPS or it was given to you by relatives. How to configure it? In principle, the service is disabled by default and to configure it you only need to activate it. To do this, go to the “Settings” item and find the tab "My location" and be sure to allow the system access to geodata on your smartphone. Also activate the items "By network coordinates", "By GPS satellites".

In the future, you will only need to tap down on the start screen of your device so that the quick access menu appears and activate the GPS service. There are also usually buttons and tabs for working with wireless networks, mobile networks, and phone brightness. You can also place individual widgets on the desktop to manage services.

The Android operating system usually comes with a location software installed by default. This could be, for example, Google Maps or Yandex Maps, depending on the developers. Despite the fact that all Android phones are initially certified by Google, the software is supplemented by companies that use this operating system in their phones.

Setting up GPS on phones with a Media Tek processor

If you are not aware, all Android phone models are designed and equipped with different processors. Today, one of the leading companies is Media Tek, which provides processors of various configurations for smartphones. It also uses its own technology for the correct and stable operation of GPS modules.

Above we described the standard GPS settings that are present in almost every smartphone. If your device runs on a chipset from Media Tek, then additionally in the settings there will be an item “GPS EPO Assistance Data”. Activate this tab and go to the “EPO Settings” menu. Have you come in? Great! Now activate the Startup tab. Moreover, if at the time of setup you have the opportunity to connect to the Internet, you can immediately download special data that provides information about the position of the satellites. To do this, in this menu you will need to click the “Download” button at the very bottom and wait until the files are downloaded.

GPS setup for advanced users

Attention! This subsection involves not only setting up, but also speeding up the operation of GPS in general on your smartphone. The fact is that the speed and accuracy of determining your current position is affected by information about satellites, namely, their location. As a rule, in most smartphones this data is out of date due to a long-standing software or operating system update.

Another reason is Chinese phones. In such devices, by default, settings about the location of satellites for their country are registered; accordingly, when using GPS in Russia, the GPS module works much longer, because the data in it is registered incorrectly.

Have you ever noticed that it takes 5-10 minutes for your location to be determined? We usually chalk this up to “phone performance,” but that’s far from true! What to do in this case? We suggest you set up GPS on your Android with a small “hack”.

The situation with slow GPS operation is solved with A-GPS technology. Its essence is as follows: data on the position of satellites is stored on special servers and, using the Internet, your smartphone can connect to them and receive all the information in a matter of seconds. Thanks to this data, GPS connects much faster and determines your location more accurately.

But, as mentioned earlier, some smartphone models, especially Chinese ones, contain data for their region by default. To change them, you need to find the gps.conf file!

How to work with the gps.conf file! You can change the data in this file manually or download a ready-made one for a specific country. If you don’t want to bother, then download it for your country from the link -

If you are going to edit gps.conf yourself, then find instructions on the Internet that describe each line and what it is responsible for. To edit you will need to use the Root Explorer application and Root rights.

Attention! The file is located in the /system/etc directory. Once you replace it or edit it manually, save all changes and download the GPS Test application. This is a special utility with which you can clear all old satellite records and check the correct operation of GPS. Just install it, launch it and click the AGPS tab, after which restart your smartphone. Once your phone has restarted, open the program again and check your location speed.

Operating modes of the GPS module in Android

And the last, no less important point concerns GPS operating modes. Each smartphone has separate settings for this technology, which can be set at your discretion.

Go to Settings on your phone and select the Location tab. Please note that menu options may vary slightly depending on Android version. Next, click on “Operation Mode”. You will have three of them:

  1. "According to all sources"
  2. "By network coordinates"
  3. "By GPS satellites"

Now specifically for each point!

The first mode is “Across all sources”. The GPS system will automatically connect to all possible networks, namely: wireless Wi-Fi points, mobile networks, satellites. This is precisely the A-GPS technology, which ensures the highest accuracy of the received data and increased operating speed. But don’t forget about the downsides! The battery charge will be consumed much faster in this mode!

The second mode is “By network coordinates”. Mainly uses information only from access points and towers. But at the same time, the correctness of determining your location is slightly distorted. Approximately several meters, sometimes tens of meters.

The third mode is “By GPS satellites”. Completely deactivates A-GPS technology. Your smartphone will only determine its location using satellites. Moreover, if you enter any building, the connection will be lost or temporarily interrupted.

Which mode to use is up to you. If you need to accurately determine coordinates or location, then activate the first item. If the battery charge is low, but you still need to somehow determine where you are, then activate the last item.

As you can see, setting up GPS can be done in different ways and methods, depending on the version of Android, software, and manufacturer. Over time, an increasing number of different applications and “hacks” appear on forums to enhance GPS performance and introduce additional options into your smartphone. Stay tuned for updates and test!

Many modern communicators and tablets are equipped with a GPS receiver, but it happens that after purchase it is not explained anywhere how to use it. Or after reflashing Android GPS does not function. In any case, we’ll tell you and show you how to bring the GPS navigator to life on your PDA.

In this video, the Android GPS settings were checked using the GPS Test program

GPS in Android-based navigators are usually equipped with two modules: 1 module - a standard GPS receiver, can be turned on via: Settings - Location and Security. Next you need to select - Wireless networks (or By network coordinates)- and the phone will determine your position using mobile towers by triangulation, or via a Wi-Fi network. This method is the fastest and does not require searching and connecting to satellites (data is also transmitted to Google). This method of determination is not always accurate and may show the wrong location.

When using GPS navigation satellites, the main GPS module is turned on, and it then determines the location using the satellites. But such verification takes time to find suitable satellites. And most importantly - You must be outside or you can put your phone on the windowsill. Also, a lot depends on the sensitivity (quality) of the GPS module - for example, an old HTC and a new budget phone in the same conditions, the budget phone couldn’t find satellites even from the top floor, for HTC this was not difficult.

For the module to work correctly, the correct Android GPS navigator settings are required.

  • Fast way and the most reliable (but requires access to Wi-Fi and is located outdoors). . Let's go to "Settings""Wireless network", Further "turn on WiFi", and than "Connect to your network". Let's return again to "Settings"- then in "Location and Protection" (or Location Services) and celebrate "Wireless Networks and GPS Satellites" (or By network coordinates).Next, run the downloaded diagnostic program GPS Test, after launch we go to Settings click Update AGPS and celebrate Keep screen on, return to the main program window and wait for your coordinates to be determined; this process takes a couple of minutes. Next we go to Settings turn off WiFi and most importantly, turn off . Let's run the program again GPS Test and check the satellites for a “cold start”.
  • Slow way- V Settings- In chapter Location and protection (or Location Services) uncheck Use WiFi and cellular networks to determine location and note GPS satellites. We go outside and open the program GPS Test and we wait.


First you need to download a program for Android that will work with the GPS signal and perform the tasks you need with GPS. Depending on the selected GPS application, configure the application correctly according to the instructions (the settings will be different for each application). After the GPS navigation program is configured properly, but the satellite signal cannot be detected, then we move on to the next step.

Most often, the problem is that the navigation program cannot recognize and determine the GPS receiver, even if it is built into your communicator. This problem occurs if the GPS parameters in the settings are not specified correctly. To eliminate this problem, you need to specify the settings of the virtual COM port through which the program finds and connects to the GPS receiver.

After installing this program, you need to scan all COM ports and determine which one the GPS is located on, and then use this data for subsequent configuration. Also, using GPSinfo, you can test the connection with the receiver by pressing the “Start GPS” button, and if everything works, then you will see that the program displays data that it detects from satellites.

After the above steps, do not forget to turn off GPSinfo, otherwise a busy port will prevent the navigation program from using it. If you still have problems setting up GPS on your PDA, please contact us and we will definitely help you.

Read all about how to enable GPS on Android, configure it and check its functionality. And also ways to solve problems if GPS does not work. In almost every modern phone you can find a GPS navigation system. It is used in applications for searching addresses, calling taxis and delivering online orders. And these are just a few of the opportunities offered by satellite navigation. If you want to use all the available smartphone options, then using GPS for Android is mandatory.

How to enable GPS location on Android?

If you want to use all navigation features, you must first activate the module. The easiest way to do this is if the “Location” option is placed on the curtain, which is lowered from the top of the screen by swiping. Then you just need to click on the icon to activate the satellite search.

Let's figure out how to turn on GPS on Android:

  1. Go to the main menu of your smartphone, where all applications are collected. Select the “Settings” icon and click on it.
  2. From the list, select "Location".
  3. Go to the "Mode" section. From the suggested options, check “By all sources”.

If an approximate determination of coordinates is enough for you, then you can select the item “By GPS satellites”. In some smartphone models, the “Location” utility has been replaced with “Geodata”. Please note that the lever next to this function is in the active state (highlighted).

General navigation settings on Android

We have already briefly mentioned different navigation modes. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at them:

  1. High accuracy mode (“Across all sources”) is implemented using the A-GPS module. This option can only be found in modern smartphones. When this mode is selected, the space will be constantly monitored for signal presence. Navigation works equally well indoors and outdoors. The phone in this mode quickly communicates with satellites.
  2. “Battery saving” does not use the GPS module. In this case, you lose accuracy, since indoors the location is determined by the Wi-Fi signal, and outside it by cell towers.
  3. “By device sensors” - in this case, geolocation will only work in open areas, since the module will only receive a signal from the satellite. This is an accurate, but very inconvenient option. Now they hardly use it.

If you don’t need to navigate the forest or measure physical activity, then just select the battery saving mode. You will get an acceptable result, which is enough to run most applications. For applications that require high precision to operate, you can temporarily enable High Precision mode. Please note that this battery drains excessively.

How to check and configure GPS in a smartphone

If you are not satisfied with the quality of coordinate determination or the receiver does not work at all, then you need to check and configure the module. To do this, first enable the location module and then apply additional features.

Using GPS Test

One of the most accessible debugging methods is special utilities. All actions in them occur automatically. One of the best programs is GPS Test. Let's figure out how to check GPS on Android using it.

  1. Open the app and look at the status bar at the top. If it says 3D Fix, then the module works fine. If No Fix is ​​written, the module needs to be configured and the location is not determined. A constant change of states occurs when there is a poor signal from the satellite or when you are indoors.
  2. If the status bar is Off, then you have not turned on the receiver.

You cannot configure the receiver using this program. It only records the received data. The utility allows you to find out:

  • exact location coordinates;
  • number of visible satellites and information about them;
  • provides data on the time zone at the subscriber's location, altitude above sea level at this point, sunrise and sunset times.

This application can be used as an electronic compass. Paired with a navigation module, it will allow you to navigate open areas. Using GPS Test and the settings section, you can enable the module if this could not be done in the standard way. Activate all methods of obtaining coordinates for high geopositioning accuracy.

We use the engineering menu

Use at your own risk. If you are an inexperienced user or value your device very much, then it is better not to call up the settings. You must first obtain Root rights for your smartphone. Then the problem of how to set up GPS for Android is solved as follows:

  1. Activate GPS and Wi-Fi, go out onto the balcony or sit on the windowsill of an open window. The best option for setting up through the engineering menu is to place the user in an open area, on the street.
  2. Call the engineering menu of one of the commands *#*#3646633*#*#, or *#15963#*, or *#*#4636#*#*. If the listed combinations do not suit you, you can select the appropriate one using the Mobileuncle ToolHero utility.
  3. Please note that the engineering menu is in English. Therefore, it will be difficult for those who do not know this language to cope with it. In the window that opens, you will see several sections. Scroll left to the Location option, scroll down to Location Based Service.
  4. Go to the EPO tab, in it you need to put markers next to the Enable EPO and Auto Download items. If the EPO path is not active in your device, then you need to download the file of the same name so that information about the flight path and satellite location appears in the device.
  5. Use the arrow to go back. Select YGPS and open the Satellites tab. You will see a diagram of the location of the satellites; they will be inactive and highlighted in red. The device sees them, but cannot connect.
  6. Go to the Information section and click on the word Full. After 2 seconds, activate AGPS restart.
  7. Return to the Satellites tab, your device will connect to the satellites and the dots will change color to green. If you are near a window or on a balcony, the color change will not occur for all companions.
  8. Reboot your device to get a stronger signal.

This completes the GPS setup on Android; after these manipulations, the module should work normally.

What to do if GPS doesn't work?

If the manipulations did not help, and you still could not enable geolocation, then you need to find the cause of the failure and eliminate it. First, check the standard settings, test the device using utilities and the engineering menu.

Causes of failures

If GPS does not work on Android, then the reasons may be:

  1. Hardware faults - the module has failed due to mechanical impact on the smartphone body or liquid getting on its main board. In rare cases, a hardware failure occurs due to low-quality components.
  2. Software failures – damage to the module driver due to the device being infected with viruses, problems arising when updating software or firmware of the device.

First you need to understand why the module is not working. Once you have determined the cause of the breakdown, you can begin to fix it.

Problem solving

If you cannot enable “Location”, then first you need to check the module settings and restart the device. Often the problem occurs when RAM is overloaded, which leads to insufficient memory for the module to operate. Try changing the module's operating mode to the "Mobile networks only" option. If geolocation works after this, then the problem is with the driver or hardware. The inability to change the mode of use of the device occurs when flashing fails.

If the module fails after changing the firmware, it is necessary to restore the factory version of the operating system. To do this, hold down the volume and power keys at the same time. After 5-7 seconds, Recovery mode will appear on the screen. From its menu, select the item and confirm your decision with the “Shutdown” key. Then you need to select Reboot system now and wait for the device to turn on.

You can calibrate the module after a failure using the Essential setup utility. It is distributed free of charge through the official application store. Place your smartphone on a flat surface, open the application and press the Test button. Manipulations are performed automatically.

If all the procedures performed do not help, you will not be able to solve the problem on your own. In this case, contact the service center to replace the module. Now you know everything about setting up and operating the GPS module on smartphones, share the information with your friends. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments.

Why is navigation needed?

A couple of decades ago, navigation was not used by ordinary people, but in America, developers figured out how to use it in everyday life. Now ordinary people can use GPS to solve various everyday problems:

  • find a way in the forest;
  • navigate any city in the world;
  • find the necessary addresses and objects near you;
  • avoid traffic congestion;
  • record your own physical activity and speed of movement.

At the same time, using navigation in applications has a downside - the phone’s battery drains faster. This is especially noticeable in devices using a standard module. Modern smartphones are equipped with the A-GPS add-on, which reduces resources for satellite search. The battery discharges more slowly, and after starting the system quickly determines the location of the device. Using satellite and mobile networks to obtain information allows you to determine coordinates more accurately.